Home » » The Pi-Top turns a Raspberry Pi into a laptop to help teach coding

The Pi-Top turns a Raspberry Pi into a laptop to help teach coding

The original Pi-Top was a modular laptop powered by a Raspberry Pi that came out on

Indiegogo back in 2014. Now, the company (also called Pi-Top) is back with an updated version of the laptop that looks to improve on the original in a couple of key ways, via Engadget. The Raspberry Pi is best known as a diminutive mini-computer that’s good for coding projects due to its low cost and small size. The Pi-Top takes a different approach to the tiny computer, though, using it as the brains for a larger device that manages to turn the humble Pi into a full-sized laptop, which is designed to help teach coding skills.                                                                       https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2017/10/16/16481566/pi-top-raspberry-coding-diy-modular-laptop
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